Fayyum Studies

Fayyum Studies 4 (2019)


formato 20 x 27,5 cm; ril. bros.

pagine 68

ISBN 978-88-7849-145-8


€ 25,00
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Fayyum Studies is not a journal of Egyptology, but a series of volumes which will not be published and which are part of the ‘Fayyum Project’ of the Dipartimento di Storia Culture Civiltà of the University of Bologna. They are born from the necessity of finding a forum for the more and more numerous scholars who are specifically interested in the Fayyum region.
Fayyum Studies welcome contributions from Italian and foreign scholars who are interested in the Fayyum from the prehistoric to the Arabic age.
Ilaria Rossetti, Testimonianze archeologiche di pietà popolare utilizzate come mezzo di profitto nei templi del Fayyum tolemaico-romano; Alessandro Campedelli, Recenti indagini archeologiche a Bakchias/Kom Umm el-Atl (Fayyum); Marzia Cavriani, Le Fortezze egiziane di Medio Regno e Secondo Periodo Intermedio in Egitto; Pubblicazione sentenza della Corte d'Appello di Bologna.



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