
Cristina Corsi, Frank Vermeulen (eds.)

Changing Landscapes. The impact of Roman towns in the Western Mediterranean

Proceedings of the International Colloquium (Castelo de Vide - Marvão 15th-17th May 2009)

formato 21 x 29,7 cm; ril. bros.
collana Ricerche - Series Maior 1
396 pagine, in b/n e a colori

€ 35,00
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Si avvia con questo volume la Series Maior della collana “Ricerche”, destinata ad accogliere studi nel campo delle Scienze dell’Antichità e del Medioevo. La nuova serie, caratterizzata da un formato maggiore, si apre volutamente con un lavoro di respiro internazionale e incentrato su temi d’avanguardia.

Il volume raccoglie gli atti di un importante convegno internazionale tenutosi in Portogallo nel 2008, volto a indagare l’impatto dell’urbanizzazione romana sul paesaggio delle regioni occidentali dell’Impero. La pluralità degli approcci di studio, che vanno da quelli tradizionali all’applicazione delle nuove tecnologie all’archeologia, tracciano le linee guida delle future ricerche in questo ambito e fanno emergere un territorio di straordinaria ricchezza e interesse.

Roman archaeology has for centuries been looking mostly at the urban centres and especially at the great monuments that rose within them. Today, a new generation of archaeologists has convincingly shown which was the crucial impact of Roman urbanism on the landscapes of the Western Empire. Using an array of new techniques, such as remote sensing and GIS-based spatial analysis, integrated with more traditional approaches, new ideas about the relationship of interdependency between town and territory have been developed.

During a 3-day congress held near the Romano-Lusitanian town site and museum of Ammaia, in central Portugal, internationally renowned researchers have presented regional syntheses and excellent case-studies of this impact of Roman towns on the landscapes of, in particular, the south-western provinces. This book is a well illustrated reflection of this scientific endeavour, which will set out the pathways of research into Roman urbanism and landscape evolution during the coming decades.

Foreword, João José dos Santos Sentieiro – Prefácio, Mafalda Soares da Cunha, Filipe Themudo Barata – Introduction, Cristina Corsi, Frank Vermeulen - Martin Millett, Town and country in the early Roman West – A perspective - Simon Keay, Iberia and Italia: Issues and challenges in the comparative study of Roman urbanism - Cinzia Vismara, La “romanisation” des campagnes sardes: un bilan des recherches récentes - Cristina Corsi, Caterina Paola Venditti, The role of Roman towns in the Romanization process in Corsica. The case-study of Mariana - Frédéric Trément, Romanisation et dynamiques territoriales en Gaule centrale. Le cas de la cité des Arvernes (IIe s. av. J.-C.–IIe s. ap. J.-C.) - Monique Clavel-Lévêque, Implantation romaine et développement du territoire dans la colonie de Béziers - Elisa Panero, Histoire d’une conquête. Dynamiques sociales et intentions programmatiques dans l’architecture et l’urbanisme de la Cisalpine occidentale et de la Gaule Narbonnaise en époque républicaine avancée - Oriol Olesti i Vila, Oriol Mercadal i Fernandez, L’occupation romaine de la Cerdagne: transformations d’un paysage pyrénéen pendant l’antiquité - Marta Flórez Santasusanna, Josep M. Palet Martínez, Asentamientos rurales y estructuración de la Layetania interior (Barcelona): romanización e impacto de los programas de organización territorial - Josep M. Palet Martínez, José I. Fiz Fernández, Hèctor A. Orengo Romeu, Modelación y conceptualización del paisaje romano en el ager Tarraconensis: Tarraco y la centuriación del territorio - Ramon Járrega Domínguez, The impact of the organization of territory in a provincial capital: The colony of Tarraco and the ager TarraconensisMarta Prevosti, Kristian Strutt, Cèsar Carreras, The ager Tarraconensis project (right side of river Francolí) (PAT): The application of geophysical survey to identify rural Roman settlement typologies - Lourdes Roldán, Juan Blánquez, Dario Bernal, José Juan Díaz, Mudanças da paisagem cultural na baía de Algeciras (Cádis, Espanha). Paisagem e território de Carteia - Helena Jiménez Vialás, An approach to landscape changes in the Bay of Gibraltar through the cartography - Margherita Carucci, Urban forms and social space of Italica in Roman Imperial times - Victorino Mayoral Herrera, Rebeca Cazorla Martín, Sebastián Celestino Pérez, The Romanization process of an agrarian landscape: La Serena region - Manuela Martins, Helena Paula Carvalho, Bracara Augusta and the changing rural landscape - Virgílio Hipólito Correia, Adriaan De Man, Variação e constância na ocupação de Conimbriga e do seu território - Frank Vermeulen, Devi Taelman, From cityscape to landscape in Roman Lusitania: the municipium of Ammaia - Carlos Fabião, Amílcar Guerra, Mesas do Castelinho (Almodôvar): A case of a failed Roman town in southern Lusitania - José Carlos Quaresma, Changement et continuité: la romanisation à Chãos Salgados, Santiago do Cacém – Mirobriga? – (Portugal) - João Pedro Bernardes, Ab Oppido ad Urbem: Algarve’s urban landscape variations throughout the Roman age - Fernando Prados Martínez, El sustrato libiopúnico y el proceso de transformación del paisaje extraurbano en el África Romana - Lilia Palmieri, Romanization and definition of commercial areas in Africa Proconsularis: The examples of Leptis Magna and Thugga - List of Authors
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