Nicolò Marchetti, Rwaed Muwafaq Mohammed, Cristiano Putzolu, Julian Edgeworth Reade, Marco Valeri

The Ottoman Bridge of Mosul: Survey and History of an Endangered Heritage

MAIOP 2023:1
formato 21x29,7 cm
84 pagine in b/n e colori
978-88-7849-192-2 (edizione cartacea)
978-88-7849-193-9 (edizione online)
doi 10.12877/maiop202301

€ 20,00
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“Mesopotamian Archaeological Initiative Occasional Papers” are non-periodical scientific studies and reports about the socio-cultural heritage and natural environment of ancient Mesopotamia carried out by the Iraqi-Italian Archaeological Expedition by the University of Bologna and the SBAH. MAIOP is open also to scientists from all fields and from any affiliation, contributions are peer-reviewed.
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